Wednesday, May 19, 2010

waterproof mascara

once justified by sloppy, mid-summer romps or embarrassingly sweaty yoga, it has now taken on a more important role as ive begun to cry openly in public. no sobbing or heavy heaving, just unabashed, full, round tears that will roll down my face spotting papers, wetting book leaves, snotting sleeves.
and how, you might ask, did this beauty product go from sexy necessity to just necessity? none other than the soul crushing dream of medical school. almost too much of a story to fit into one blog. the long and short of it-apply, wait, interview, wait, don't get admission offer, grieve, apply to masters programs, wait, find out you've been put on med school waitlist, wait, get into masters program and start 3 weeks later. leave friends, family, and boyfriend in austin for guest house of elderly taiwanese couple in fort worth. while hoping to get off waitlist, reapply to med school, retake MCAT, and do 12 month masters program with those that i'm generalizing as C students from A&M, SMU, TCU and the like. that last statement about the students might not be fair as orientation only begins tomorrow, but ill keep you updated. oh, and was told by med school admissions' offices that my neuroscience degree from emory was all for naught as i should have just gone to an 'easy texas school for a higher GPA and less debt'. and i hate waterproof mascara. it's hard to take off, it clumps up; it's just the worst.

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